
An unequal culture between men and women survives on hundreds of ordinary, everyday behaviors, proverbs and punishments. We are all involved. It is time for us to change.

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A five-year research project, the book Chup establishes that educated women and men must come together to change 7 everyday habits that perpetuate gender inequality.

" Shocking, revolutionary "
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Chup Circles are intimate, self-organized, conversation groups across genders to explore the roots of gender inequality in their own lives. In a compassionate safe space, it is easier and more fun to change.

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About Deepa Narayan

Dr. Deepa Narayan is the author of the ground-breaking book, Chup: Breaking The Silence About India’s Women. She was Senior Advisor at the World Bank. A TED speaker and has over 25 years of experience working on poverty, gender and inequality in development.

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